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We should have a Minister for Children so that there is a single point of clear responsibility for driving relevant matters like implementing the recommendations of the Bull report.

We should sign up fully to the UN convention on the Rights of the Child

We need to develop an independent system of inspection and reporting for institutional care facilities, possibly along the lines of the lay police visitors scheme in the UK.

I support the call by the Care Leaver's Association for an immediate and unequivocal apology from the States of Jersey to all those maltreated while under the care of the States, and recognition of the failure of the system to protect the most vulnerable.

We must establish free and independent counselling services for Care Leavers.

We should ascertain if the UK findings that August born children are 20% less likely to go to university applies locally too. If it does we need urgently to review our policy on school starting ages with a view to being much more flexible like the French and Swedes are.

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